RealClearInvestigations uncovered what the Biden administration didn’t want you to know: its so-called Solar for All program is a $7 billion payout to green cronies, not a plan to lower your power bill.
Tucked inside the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, Solar for All is packed with vague mandates, zero oversight, and a goldmine of contracts for politically favored firms. It doesn’t deliver reliable energy—it delivers taxpayer cash to connected insiders.
Real Clear Investigations quotes AOER’s President and Chairman of the Board, Amy Cooke, who knows about raising money for worthy causes. She told RCI, “…I don’t think any of those groups would exist if they had to compete to raise their own funds in the marketplace of ideas… It’s a redistribution of wealth from taxpayers to the well-connected.”
Thankfully, the Trump administration is suing to claw back money already spent and to freeze the remaining dollars allocated for Solar for All.