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Get in Touch
with Always On Energy Research
(919) 780-9760
727 East 16th Ave., Denver, CO 80203

Your trusted partner in understanding and shaping energy policy.
In today's complex energy landscape, accessible and credible data is crucial for lawmakers, elected officials, and society to make informed decisions about energy policy.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify complex energy policies and make them understandable for everyone—from lawmakers to voters who may not have time to delve into extensive integrated resource plans or Federal Energy Regulatory Commission orders.
Our clients range from government agencies to private, independent nonprofit organizations all looking to better understand how rules, regulations, and policies impact constituents. Our services ensure that you are equipped with the necessary knowledge to make sound decisions that affect your communities.
We are committed to providing the most credible data to support policy options that cater to your specific needs and help you navigate the intricacies of energy policy. We look forward to assisting you in making impactful decisions for your community’s future.